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VPC Deprovisioning


As part of the provisioning process, Predibase creates a set of resources (compute, roles, networking, storage etc.) in your cloud account. To ensure all these resources are cleaned up properly, we allow a self-serve deprovisioning flow to save on compute and infrastructure costs.

Deprovisioning Predibase Environment

  1. Navigate to "My Profile" tab under the "Settings" option on the application.

  1. Scroll down to the "Deprovision Environment" section.

  1. Click on "Deprovision VPC Environment" button.

  2. Type "confirm" in the confirmation dialogue.

  3. Click on "Deprovision" button.

  1. Wait for the deprovisioning process to finish.

Deprovisioning can take 15-20 minutes, once finished your account page will display the status as "Deprovisioned". You no longer have any compute provisioned by Predibase in your cloud account.

However, any storage artifacts i.e. S3 buckets, blob storage etc are preserved to ensure data recovery.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions.